Saturday, October 4, 2008


We have received $1.3 million dollars in grant funds through the EETTC grant. The grant covers grades 4 - 8 so we will be working with that subgroup from our district. The grant includes funding for wireless laptop carts to be located at each school. By my calculations each elementary will be receiving 40 laptops via 2 carts and the middle schools will be receiving 80 laptops via 4 carts. Teachers must attend training in order to have access to these carts, but I think it will be a great opportunity for both our staff members and our students. Now we just need to work out the details. :-)


Jani Nelson said...

I read somewhere ( one of the LVUSD newsletters) it was for Language Arts and Social Studies-- but NOT for math. How can that be? The math dept wants to be included. We can use the laptops for a variety of items including a graphing software program,which is already licensed to LCMS. In addition, those "Clickers" mentioned in the same LVUSD newsletter are wonderful for math classes as well. How do I go about ensuring that the middle school math departments are included?

Jane Lofton said...

This is wonderful, Mary! I have been thinking that having laptop carts in the school would be the best, most flexible way to offer our students the maximum access to computers. I'm very excited and would love to be involved in helping it happen. Also, tho, like Jani, I think we'll want these available for ALL our students' classes, not just language arts and social studies.